Friday, February 7, 2014

Wonder, Wit, and a Little Wet Paint!

Wanted to 'pause' for a few moments and say "thanks" to all of you out there who have posted comments, and continue to make blogging such a rewarding experience!  I remember the first time I heard about it (years ago) and thought to myself, "what's the big deal?"  Well... it is a certainly rewarding to have a place where I can share a little tiny sliver of myself with others, and have folks respond in such a kind way, so again, many thanks!

The one thing that I was not expecting, and I suppose has brought a bit of wonder to me, is how many there are out there who thoroughly enjoy the miniature world of collecting, painting, war-gaming and the like!  It has always been a passion of mine ever since I was a kid, and was a little frustrated (and even a bit perturbed) by the negativity surrounding it in the early 80's and even a bit in the early 90's... my, how faaaaar culture as changed!

I don't know that I have anything terribly witty to share other than the fact that I have found this hobby of ours to be "beautifully simple, and simply beautiful!"

Regarding the wet paint; well, all I can say is it has been very rewarding thus far cutting my teeth into a very dynamic and challenging industry, and I am still a bit 'wet behind the ears' so-to-speak working as a pro-painter.  But my brush always has paint on it, and I always have a project I am working on, which is incredibly rewarding!

Having said that, if ya'll (there is my southern! :D) wouldn't mind giving me my last little boost over a small hump, I would greatly appreciate it!  In order to get ranked at:
...which facilitates other professional achievements, I am just shy of getting an official ranking, and I could really use your help!
Over the next few days, I will be reposting six posts/pics that I need just a few more votes on; if you would be so kind as to take just a couple of seconds and vote (provided you haven't already) it would be most appreciated!
The first, is a post that is dated November 10th (Happy Birthday to my beloved Marine Corps!) regarding a trophy that was brought back from a competition in Virginia...
Here is the pic on the post, which is also a picture of the miniatures that I am asking for a vote on at Cool Mini or Not!
I am just a few votes shy of getting it officially ranked... thank you so much for your taking the time to look, and vote!
(click the pic to enlarge and vote)

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