Tuesday, February 11, 2014

...A Little More Wet Paint on a Wood Elf Treeman!

Here is another mini that I need some help with... a Wood Elf Treeman!  This was (again) one of the originals I posted up on this blog not really expecting much from Cool Mini or Not, and he has remained one of the high scoring minis on the sight!

Here is the link to the original post along with the link to him at Cool Mini or Not!

I really liked this mini when I came across it, and thought it would be a fantastic treeman blocker for Blood Bowl!  So I picked it up, and pieced it together and painted it up!  Really like the overall effect of how it turned out! :D
Do go to Cool Mini or Not and vote on him! Thanks!


  1. Best treeman I have ever seen. Realistic and good for Blood Bowl. Double whammy!

  2. Who makes that mini? I would love to pick up one of those!
