Sunday, September 24, 2023

Bernard “the Beastlord” Ratsunifuchīsukādo


In the world of Blood Bowl rat Doctor Caciocavallo was developing a new way of transportation. In the year 2060 a meteorite had hit the old world, inside a strange one-of-a-kind green crystal was extracted from the meteor and given to the young Doctor. Upon study and development he discovered the crystal could emit its atoms from one place to another. Dr. Caciocavallo was pleased with this and began creating a way to emit a person’s atoms from one place to another, the slow ride on boats would be no more. But the young doctor miscalculated and ripped a hole in the space time continuum. This is when Bernard came into play, his fate sealed to be a star player in the old world forever. Bernard was a young Football captain in the NFL, his team ranking number one in the world. This particular day Bernards team was one but a few points away from beating their opponent, Bernard simply had to make a touchdown. It began, Bernard was handed the ball and he really turned on the jets, running as fast as he could to the touchdown, he then saw a blue light shine in his eyes, and he dove for the touchdown. When he stood up he wasn’t in the same world he was before, it was dark and barren, armor on the floor and hands on the ground. The ground started shaking with a mighty rage, getting stronger and stronger. Bernard turned and saw before him a bunch of big mutated, metal plated, screeching rats! He began to run but then found himself being trampled and clawed by the feet of the rats, then it went dark. When he woke their stand a young rat, Dr. Caciocavallo, “Where am I?” Bernard asked. “I seem to have miscalculated, and I brought you to our dimension, and without another green crystal I can’t send you back to your world” the young doctor responded. Bernard had so many questions, but his body was so broken and in pain he could hardly mutter another word. “Your frail human body will survive here no longer, you have two choices, get injected with rat genes…or die a painful death” the doctor said. Bernard nodded and upon the serum entering his body, the human genes and rat genes mixed harshly, his body stared growing, muscles ripping to become larger, fur growing all over his body, horns bearing from his head. Bernard roared in pain as Dr. Caciocavallo fell to the floor in fear… ” I’ve created a star, a monster!…The beast lord of the rats.”

Bernard's Transformation

Bernard "the Beastlord" Ratsunifuchīsukādo transformation complete!

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Ian "The Strong" Ironhands

Ian “the Strong” Ironhands hails from Marienburg, growing up in the shanties near the docks.  His father was a deck hand, and Ian would often accompany his dad to work.  Ian being large in stature, took to the labor at an early age.  Ian was only eleven years old, when he witnessed his father death.  His dad was crushed between two ships, when he slipped from a loading platform and fell between a clipper and man-of-war.  Being the oldest of his siblings, he indentured himself to a boatswain in order to help take care of his mother.  He landed in Eataine, the main port into Ulthwae.  He was enamored with the high, glimmering spires of the elven kindgdoms.  The elevated lifestyle, and lush richness of the elven tongue.  The amazing décor and colorful banners of the Eldar and their citizen soldiery all held sway for Ian in his heart.  He spent most of his teen years in the docks at Eataine, saving his money and eventually paying off his indentured debt.  Loading all the heavy wares onto the ships, forced Ian’s muscles and stature to grow until he towered over most of the other deckhands in the port.  One sunny afternoon, an assistant coach of the famed Elven Giseroux Glade Guardians saw him, and recruited him into the world of blood bowl.  Ian, distinguished himself on the pitch; his large hands, large stature and penchance for clobbering the opposition saw him rise through the ranks.  Now, a glitzy Star, he is highly sought after by several teams… but still prefers the high society of Ulthwae and presently plays for the Tor Achare Titans.