Friday, December 6, 2013

Pink Pajamas with Penguins on the Bottom!

My sincerest apologies to all of you faithfuls out there... in the throws of trying to finish up a mega-display (12 foot long) in preparation for a store opening tomorrow! (Eeek!) Truthfully, there was not hardly a second to spare to get up this post yesterday! At any rate, I have been receiving quite a few requests on "how to's" as well as tool spotlights, and some theory... so here is a bit more on "glazing."

I am finishing up some Chaos Warriors for a commission team, and the client wanted a full 'pink diva' look on his Chaos.  Not an easy task on armor, especially when wanting to highlight the subtle shapes.  Only way to get the right look is with glazes.  At the end of this post, I will include a brief five minute youtube video on this technique.

In this first pic I am needing to differentiate between the "high" points on the mini, and the "low" points on the mini, specifically on the armor.  Because the armor is one piece, I can only do this with subtle color changes invisible to the naked eye.  In order to accomplish this, I must patiently pass the brush over the area I want to change with just a tiny bit of paint on it... this is known as a 'glaze'.  Here I am beginning to add some purple shading to the lower, shady portions of the armor... you can barely even see the difference.
(click any pic to enlarge)
Increased, but more defined differentiation due to the increased amount of shading that has been provided, it is easier to see that shading on the model accomplished by more application of paint through glazing...
Still more differentiation because I have applied some glazed highlights to the miniatures... the definition is just now starting to show.
Finally, even more increased differentiation by glazing in highlights to the 'higher' points of the model, with definition and contrast resultant from the shaded glazes as well; as I have state before, putting 'snow in the mountains' (light paint on the high points), and 'shadow in the valleys' (darker paint in the recesses), there is nice differentiation and depth! (I am now adding the black trim to the armor as well to make it really 'pop'!)
Well, here is a teaser for you... I will be posting the "four horsemen of the apocalypse" tomorrow! Notice how the glazing has created subtle color palette changes so fine that you cannot differentiate exactly where the change begins, and where it ends... that is the result that one wants through a glazing technique; not fast but very effective!

I was surprised to find myself chuckling as I was loading this pic, which reminded that someone once told me the chanting in the theme song from the Lion King strangely sounds like they are chanting "pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom"!!! LOL
Thanks for having a look! Catch ya tomorrow! :D
(you can vote on this guy at Cool Mini or Not!)
(Here is a link to a decent five minute video that briefly shares some glazing theory and technique by "miniwargamerj")

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