Sunday, October 1, 2023

Lucas "The Ruthless" Reverend

Reverend Lucas was a kind man. He had a wife Rachel and a son, Damien. It was a bright spring Sunday morning and Reverend Lucas had gone to the church building early to prepare for his Sunday sermon. Damien wasn't ready yet for church so Rachel and Damien stayed home to finish getting ready. They promised to be along quickly, so being eager to give his sermon he hurried to the church and began preparing. After being at the church for nearly a half of an hour people began to arrive ready for church. Nearly finished with his sermon, he went out and began welcoming everybody, but he didn't see Rachel or Damien. As Reverend Lucas gave one last look out the doors to see if his wife or son could be seen in the distance he saw them running out of the forest. He was so excited to see them coming that he failed to see the looks on their faces. As they got closer he heard a rumbling and growling in the forest. That was when he saw the look of pure terror on Damion's face and the faned look of bravery on Rachel's face to help Damion be brave, he supposed. Seeing this he looked back up toward the forest and out of the forest came two trolls. Lucas could tell that his wife and son would never make it to the protected walls of the church before the trolls got to the them. Then Reverend Lucas began to run towards his family desperate to do something to save them, but as he began to run he felt someone grab his shoulder. "There is nothing you can do Lucas". It was his best friend since childhood, Drake. Of course he couldn't do anything, he knew that, but he didn't want to watch his pride and joy die. That was when the trolls caught up. Rachel and Damien didn't stand a chance. The good Reverend Lucas was never the same, he left his duty as reverend and became Lucas the Ruthless. Lucas the Ruthless was the most feared and respected mersonary of the time and would do anything for the right price and most commonly his services went to the highest bidder. He did things he would have frowned on in his former life. However, he now did them with carelessness, believing that it was his calling in life. The formerly known Reverend Lucas who was once a kind, companionate, and loving man had turned into a cold hearted, unfeeling, and violent man who to this day has not lost his wit or cunning spirit.