When one hears the words “Fantasy Football” it is logical to think about buddies getting together to chat-up how their NFL or Collage pics performed the previous week on their Fantasy Football team.
This is NOT
that! I will address this later… suffice it to say that this is a zany spin-off
of the American tradition of football, fully played in a true fantasy realm
complete with dwarves, elves, trolls, goblins, orcs, humans, etc. Yes, all the
fantastical creatues and beasts that one considers when you think of the world
of Fantasy.
So, what does this silly game of Fantasy Football, officially dubbed “Blood Bowl” teach now coming into its thirty-nineth year since its release in 1986?
Well, I have put together a list, in no particular order, of some things to share with our young bloods (as well as their parents) who are striving to pick up and play this amazing game!
5) Practice creates space for improvement: This crazy game of real fantasy football is easy to grasp and learn to play, but it is like anything else… it is very, exceedingly difficult to master! But never fear young bloods, with practice you start to create mental space so that you can learn the game and “git’ gewd!”
7) Risk managing and probabilities: “My dice betrayed me!” Ever heard that one before? Well, this game is definitely “chess like” but it uses dice to reflect all kinds of things like the fallacy of human error, the weather, the fickleness of your fan base, just all sorts of things really. Learning to manage the probability of risk is a great life skill to learn young. Which leads me to my next one…
8) Delayed gratification: Impetuosity is a trait that plagues the youth of almost every generation. For some reason it seems more common to me these days (maybe I am just getting older!) Regardless, learning to put off impulsive tendencies like flipping the table over due to rage, or bashing that annoying little snotling with your Yeti who must dodge through several tackle zones to do so prooooobably is not the best of options. This game rewards smart decisions and can often punish the stupid ones—better to learn that in a safe and make-believe environment, rather than dire consequences in real life.9) Hard work pays off: anyone can succeed at this game! It doesn’t matter how old or young, whether you speak each other’s language, or how smart you think you are… ANYONE can succeed at this game if they put in the work!
10) You will not succeed if you don’t try: I love young bloods, because they often have no clue about the statistical probability of something succeeding… so they just do it! Long bomb that ball to your dwarf lineman who has an 18% chance of catching it, and less than a 9% percent chance of getting away and scoring?!! I would not do it, but I saw a twelve-year-old boy do it to win a game in tournament competition!
12) The world of imagination is limitless: because this game of fantasy football (emphasis on “fantasy”) does take on the imagination of the realms of fantasy complete with Tolkien’s orcs, trolls, wizards, humans, elves, dwarves and goblins, etc. and blends it with traditional American Football. So, the skies the limit! From why you chose the team you did, to the uniform and colors complete with puns on pro-athletes and their teams... The only limit in the game and the hobby are the limits you put on yourself! So, dream big young-blood, and “go for it!”
13) The Hobby: Is perhaps the most important part of the game for me, and for many other coaches as well... modeling and painting miniatures! This might even be considered a sub-part of the previous point "the world of imagination is limitless." I have spent over 30 years of my life painting silly little miniatures that I have glued together and primed in preparation for paint application. It can be so relaxing and fun. Sometimes, when you are first learning how to do it, it can bring some agitation... but stick with it and you'll find a very rewarding aspect of the game!
Well, there you have it! This game is so good for so many reasons and if you even remotely enjoy American Football, this is a great table top strategy game that keeps your mind young, and exercises that grey matter between your ears in yer noggin’! For more information, go to your local game store, and if they don’t have the game on the shelf or a league already running you can go to the Nuffle Amorical Football (The NAF) website at: www.thenaf.net for more information. Hope to see you on the grid-iron!