I attended with young-blood Ryan, and former Marine Paul, as well as former soldier Jacob. We got up at 0'Dark-thirty on Saturday morning to drive up, and play three games. I finished 2-1-0 and had a great time! Everyone that I spoke with was in high spirits (yes, pun intended!) and having a good time! I don't know why Blood Bowl attracts such awesome peeps... but if you don't play, you really should start!
Here are a few pics from the Mayhem had at the event:
My Orc team, the Bittersand Swamp Gators lining up to face off against Bob's Norse! (Yes, I drew two Norse players this tournament!)
Mike's Snow troll and Ulfwerner laying out two of my Orc Blitzers! Unfortunately for me... this was too frequent of a scene for my poor Orcs!
Mike's Snow troll ended up red-boxing eight of my players in my first match-up! He went on to take the "Most Violent" trophy for his ol'pal Dave "Doombeard" Dwarf-master... and somehow I managed a tie this game! ::Sheesh!::
Roy sharing war stories while several coaches finish up round two of their matches!
Jacob, Paul, and Ryan look on while Bob "The Barbarian" of Norsca strolls by while the lead tables wrap-up their matches!
Roy Miller's fantastic looking goblin team with the gobbos sculpted as Jawas from the epic film Star Wars, and the Trolls are sculpted as some kinda funky droid these little nippers probably sold on their goofy looking merchant barges!