(Credit: Christopher Burdett; donwloaded from https://christopherburdett.blogspot.com/ 10.8.2024)
Never compromising his performance on the pitch, as soon as an opposing player is red-boxed, Gyhrdrak is quick to lend a helping hand winning him many friends among other teams, star players and heroes of other mortal races.
Ironically, Korhil Lionmane, who is the current high commander of the Chrace White Lions bodyguard, displays very similar characteristics to Gyhrdrak. Whenever the “Bonebreaker” is performing on the grid-iron, Commander Korhil always seems to be conspicuously absent from his duties. However, due to his popularity, nobody (not even reporters) seem to care to comment.
Regardless, look for Commander Kor… er um… Gyhrdrak the “Bonebreaker” for his next appearance on the pitch!
Read about Commander Korhil here: Korhil Lionmane | Warhammer Wiki | Fandom