Friday, January 17, 2025

Stuck in Vegas without a Room!

Boy, what an experience! Every year I attend a gaming convention in January to reward myself for the previous year’s work. I’ve been doing this for several years. It’s always a pleasant experience. Yesterday wasn’t so pleasant. 

I was checking in at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the new check-in kiosk was waiting for me to expedite the process. I despise inefficiency, and was very happy to see this little computer assistant welcoming me to check-in. However, the computer informed me that my room had not been assigned. 


Recognizing that the computer was obviously in error, I went to the front desk. I then learned that I didn’t have a room assigned because I did not have a room. WHAT?!!!

Now keep in mind, as a former marine, attention to detail is preeminent when managing logistics. It is especially important when it comes to travel and I am meticulous. I double and triple check everything. I did so again in preparation for this weekend’s retreat. As a result, over the last several years, my travels in and out of country have gone off without a hitch. Much like rolling the dice, I suppose I was “due”. 


To make a very long story short (full of emotion and frustration) I’ll just write this… I was not able to check-in. I went back to the parking garage and sat in my car fuming with anger.

Now, here is the kicker: I am an avid reader. Audiobooks have ben a tremendous asset (Last year I went through 72 of them). I was listening to an audiobook on the way down while I was driving. It is entitled “Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box!” by the Arbinger Institute. 


I have read it several times. I have used it with leadership and management teams in companies I have trained. But last night while I was sitting in my car angry beyond belief, the principles contained in the book hit me square in the face. Then an epiphany came… and in that moment, I recognized and understood the problem. 

I called my wife. We got to work immediately. She called the hotel, and I got a hold of the company with whom I booked the reservation. After working together with my amazing wife; Michelle, at the front desk; Luis, the front desk manager; Aneesah in reservations, the problem was resolved. I was so impressed with everyone and how they responded to the situation. I even had other friends at the convention, sympathetic to my plight, offer up a room or help—so supportive! I was most impressed with my wife’s intuition. Most importantly, we were able to work together as a team to fix the problem.

I think everybody at this time of the year is looking to improve themselves. I am no different. Much like the majority of Americans, I am a religious man. I am praying man. I have learned that when you pray for growth, the good Lord often doesn’t wave a magic wand and make the change happen… You are presented with opportunities that align with your prayers, so that you can improve. 

If you are struggling in any kind of relationship, be it professional, or personal, I highly recommend this book. If you practice the principles contained in it… It will change your life! I know because I have been using it since 2001. I am still learning from it. (sometimes I’m just slow on the uptake!) And just in case you’re wondering, the authors of the book and the Arbinger Institute did not solicit me to share this with you. 

Because I care about people, and because I try—in the small sphere of influence that I have—to make the world a better place… I wanted to share. Make the year 2025 the best ever! God Bless and Godspeed!

Monday, January 6, 2025

A Bit About: Young Bloods, Blood Bowl and Playing the Game!

When one hears the words “Fantasy Football” it is logical to think about buddies getting together to chat-up how their NFL or Collage pics performed the previous week on their Fantasy Football team. 

This is NOT that! I will address this later… suffice it to say that this is a zany spin-off of the American tradition of football, fully played in a true fantasy realm complete with dwarves, elves, trolls, goblins, orcs, humans, etc. Yes, all the fantastical creatues and beasts that one considers when you think of the world of Fantasy. 

So, what does this silly game of Fantasy Football, officially dubbed “Blood Bowl” teach now coming into its thirty-nineth year since its release in 1986?

Well, I have put together a list, in no particular order, of some things to share with our young bloods (as well as their parents) who are striving to pick up and play this amazing game!

1) Learning can be fun: There is a lot to learn in this complex game of table-top and eSports Fantasy Football we call Blood Bowl. The silly, crazy, zany world and environment it exists in makes the game very, very entertaining.

2) Critical Thinking: There are multiple and complex ways to solve a problem. This game has a myriad of races and leagues, organic team traits, abilities (or the lack thereof), with tournaments and list builds not to mention the pitch the game is played on. There are thousands (hundreds of thousands) of ways to victory. That makes this game very, remarkably interesting and demands elevated levels of critical thinking!

3) Math matters: ever set-up for a touchdown drive and realize you do not have enough movement on your star runner to score? Or do you have a sequence of blocks lined up for that key blitz on the ball carrier… only to realize you have screened yourself out, and you can’t make it in? Yep, we have all been there! Learning to count and plan your moves only reinforces the fact that math matters!

4) Pre-planning is important: Often you see what needs to happen to score or cause a turnover but then you must think backwards! This includes looking at all the key blocks, where your players need to be for board control, and where you want to direct your opponent so you can set up for your next turn! If you do not plan ahead, trust me—your opponent will do it for you!

5) Practice creates space for improvement: This crazy game of real fantasy football is easy to grasp and learn to play, but it is like anything else… it is very, exceedingly difficult to master! But never fear young bloods, with practice you start to create mental space so that you can learn the game and “git’ gewd!”

6) Organizational management: I mean, you are the pretend coach and manager of a league sponsored fantasy football team. You have all the headaches of hiring, training, learning, and coaching your group of haughty high elves, or orc and goblin ne’er-do-wells (or whichever race you play!) But, especially in league play, let your expenses get too far out of sight, or lose one of your star players, and now you must deal with the financial consequences! Fans not happy? Well, they quit coming to your games and now your coffers are empty! Yes, this game actually forces you to think about those economic aspects of managing an organization!

7) Risk managing and probabilities: “My dice betrayed me!” Ever heard that one before? Well, this game is definitely “chess like” but it uses dice to reflect all kinds of things like the fallacy of human error, the weather, the fickleness of your fan base, just all sorts of things really. Learning to manage the probability of risk is a great life skill to learn young. Which leads me to my next one…

8) Delayed gratification: Impetuosity is a trait that plagues the youth of almost every generation. For some reason it seems more common to me these days (maybe I am just getting older!) Regardless, learning to put off impulsive tendencies like flipping the table over due to rage, or bashing that annoying little snotling with your Yeti who must dodge through several tackle zones to do so prooooobably is not the best of options. This game rewards smart decisions and can often punish the stupid ones—better to learn that in a safe and make-believe environment, rather than dire consequences in real life.

9) Hard work pays off: anyone can succeed at this game! It doesn’t matter how old or young, whether you speak each other’s language, or how smart you think you are… ANYONE can succeed at this game if they put in the work! 

10) You will not succeed if you don’t try: I love young bloods, because they often have no clue about the statistical probability of something succeeding… so they just do it! Long bomb that ball to your dwarf lineman who has an 18% chance of catching it, and less than a 9% percent chance of getting away and scoring?!! I would not do it, but I saw a twelve-year-old boy do it to win a game in tournament competition!

11) There can be seriousness in silliness: while this game is goofy to the umpteenth degree with goblins running around on pogo sticks, or dwarves thinking its perfectly acceptable to use a blunderbuss to “throw” the ball downfield; or even hoping that your untrained troll doesn’t eat your gobbo before he throws him downfield with the football… there is still the serious side of competition and the chance to win that makes this game so very good!

12) The world of imagination is limitless: because this game of fantasy football (emphasis on “fantasy”) does take on the imagination of the realms of fantasy complete with Tolkien’s orcs, trolls, wizards, humans, elves, dwarves and goblins, etc. and blends it with traditional American Football. So, the skies the limit! From why you chose the team you did, to the uniform and colors complete with puns on pro-athletes and their teams... The only limit in the game and the hobby are the limits you put on yourself! So, dream big young-blood, and “go for it!”

13) The Hobby: Is perhaps the most important part of the game for me, and for many other coaches as well... modeling and painting miniatures!  This might even be considered a sub-part of the previous point "the world of imagination is limitless." I have spent over 30 years of my life painting silly little miniatures that I have glued together and primed in preparation for paint application. It can be so relaxing and fun.  Sometimes, when you are first learning how to do it, it can bring some agitation... but stick with it and you'll find a very rewarding aspect of the game!

Well, there you have it! This game is so good for so many reasons and if you even remotely enjoy American Football, this is a great table top strategy game that keeps your mind young, and exercises that grey matter between your ears in yer noggin’! For more information, go to your local game store, and if they don’t have the game on the shelf or a league already running you can go to the Nuffle Amorical Football (The NAF) website at: for more information. Hope to see you on the grid-iron!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Blitzer and Ball that went "Poof!"

The Coach looked at the bag of coins just handed to him by the Nere-do-well hired to deliver the purse to “even” up the match.  He shook his head and sighed.  The Slammers had a well-deserved and well-earned reputation for brutality.  They were Orcs after all and delighted in putting the “blood” into Blood Bowl!

Yes, he could try to incentivize his players to perform (to a degree) with the extra money… but his players were already proud elves and he wasn’t certain the meager one hundred “k” and change was enough.  No, no… a better investment would be… YES!!!

He snapped his fingers and one of the assistants poked his head in, “Yes, coach?!”

“Grab one of the ball-boys… and hurry! On the double!” He scribbled a quick note and stuffed it in the bag, just as the ball boy showed up.” 

“Coach?!” a terrified look on his face, assuming he had done something wrong.

“Did you see any wizards in the stand as we came into the stadium?” the Coach asked.

“Er, I think so…” the boy retorted.

“Quick, Go find him and give him this pouch! I have one gold shilling for you if your extra quick when you return!” The coach said with a mirthful smile.

The boy’s eyes lit up.  He nodded his head up and down with enthusiasm, grabbing the bag and sprinting out of the locker room as quickly as his spindly legs would go!

Over 2,800 fans showed up to watch the Titans and the Slammers in this epic play-off match! The Slammers won the toss and elected to receive the ball.  After lining up, the Titans squared off to begin their agile game against the thundering Orc brutes of the Swinging Slammers.

The Orcs received the kick-off and right out of the gate, Big No1 “Knuckle Duster” got a casualty, setting the tone for the match! With chorded muscle, and strong, short strides on monstrous feet and legs… the Slammers started their drive up the field!

One casualty, two, a knock-out! Then Galandour the Great, the Titan’s star blitzer went down puked on by McStompy, the Slammers untrained Troll! The cheers from the Titans fans stopped, while the cheers and jeers from the Slammers fans rose to a deafening cacophony. The team Apothecary was quickly dispatched, and Galandour was taken off the field on a stretcher with everyone's hopes that he would return to the pitch.

The Slammers were (well) slamming the Titans!  With only two turns left to go in the first half and within eight paces of the touchline, the Titan’s coach was panicked. His eyes scanned the stadium… did the boy deliver the purse? Was the message received?

Then he saw him, blue hat, spectacles… oh no! Not… yes… there he was, Horatio X Schottenheim himself! Not well known for his prowess as a wizard (and more for his news reporting) the coach knew Horatio to be a die-hard Blood Bowl fan, but unreliable at best with his spell-casting.  So, the coach crossed his fingers… and waited!

Just as No7, Kurzatt the Blitzer from the Slammers finished moving up the pitch, POOF a puff of smoke and a loud ZAP was heard!  There, where Kurzatt used to be, was a helpless little frog! Oh, glory be!  Down four players, and with most of his team scattered on the pitch, the Titans now had a chance!!! The Titan fans stood up and began cheering so loudly, that it was difficult to even hear ones self think!

With the frog, dropping the ball, it bounced to Eltharion, the Titan’s thrower! He caught the ball and nimbly dodged away for a pass.  The crowd was going nuts!!! The famed High Elf thrower cocked his arm back to throw and… the adrenalin proved too much! Eltharion fumbled the pass, and then the unthinkable happened, Grirzruk the Gravekeeper, a Big'Un Blocker blitzed Eltharion, scooped up the ball and ran it in for a touchdown! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!

Just as quickly as the Titan fan base exploded in revere, they were silent.  And just as if someone had flipped a light switch, the Slammers fans erupted, feet pounding the East side stadium bleechers almost causing a collapse!

Knowing they needed to make-up ground, the Titans pitched the ball to Valiananore, who sprinted in for an early touchdown tying up the score!

Enthused by the play, as the Titans lined up for the next drive, several teammates cleared the stars from their heads, patched up their wounds and took to the pitch.  The Titan's kick proved to be too much, and the ball went out of bounce, only to be tossed back in from the sideline to one of the Slammer’s star blitzers.

The Titans rushed forward, slamming into the muscled Orcs frenzied by their desire to move on to the next round of the play-offs.  The Orcs and Elves spent the next several turns smashing and bashing each other to bits! McStompy even tried to empty the contents of his stomach onto the horde! All but empty—he could only manage to dry-heave!

With some brilliant key blocks, and an incredible break-away play, the Titans managed to score again, bringing the game to a 2-1 lead!

With only one turn left to go, the Slammers had no hope of scoring.  But, the Slammers coach, in a brilliant move, called time-out for a review of the play for the last Titan score.  The refs, after reviewing the play (with a little bit of extra coin and a large group of looming Slammer fans to motivate them) called back the turns, giving the Slammers an opportunity to even the score!

What a game!!! The fans were on edge, everyone was watching now with two turns left as the Slammers got into position.  Lining up critical blocks, the Big'Un blockers were able to open a hole for Drimzrod the Blitzer to get through into the open! He churned down the field, closing the gap between himself and the touch line! The Slammer fans started screaming at the top of their lungs, “20! 15! 10! 5!...” the frenzied crowd went CRAZY!!!! HE WAS GOING TO MAKE IT!!! THE GAME WAS GOING INTO OVERTIME!!!! THIS WAS NUTS!!!!  Then, all of the sudden, everyone went dead silent… you could have heard a pin drop!!!

Just as Drimzrod was crossing the touchline, his momentum overtook him; the burning and numbness in his legs was just too much! Losing his balance (and losing control of the ball) he went down in a tumbled heap!!! The Titans had just won the match!!!! THE TITANS HAD JUST WON THE MATCH!!! 

The crowd cheered.  The Titans players wiped generous moisture from their eyes.  A five-gallon jug of ice-cold Orcade was dumped over the coach, with a smile he couldn't seem to wipe from his face! The Titans will advance to the next round of play-offs.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Gyhrdrak the "Bonebreaker" Druchiisbane

Not much is known about Gyhrdrak Druchiisbane, also known in the Blood Bowl community as the “Bonebreaker.” It is reported that he hails from the more rural communal mountains of Chrace, in the Elven kingdom of Ulthwae. After relocating to the capital city of Tor Achare as a young man, he was selected for service among the Pheonix bodyguard known as the White Lions, where he distinguished himself.
Gyhrdrak plays as a star blitzer on the Tor Achare Lions Blood Bowl team, one of two professional teams hosted by the capital city. It is reported that Gyhrdrak is the strongest High Elf in all of Ulthuan. His propensity to cause numerous casualties each game is what has earned him the moniker “Bonebreaker.” His strength and Stature have become legendary not only throughout the six kingdoms of the High Elf realms, but ubiquitously among opposing teams on the grid-iron.
(Credit: Christopher Burdett; donwloaded from 10.8.2024) 

Never compromising his performance on the pitch, as soon as an opposing player is red-boxed, Gyhrdrak is quick to lend a helping hand winning him many friends among other teams, star players and heroes of other mortal races. 

Ironically, Korhil Lionmane, who is the current high commander of the Chrace White Lions bodyguard, displays very similar characteristics to Gyhrdrak.  Whenever the “Bonebreaker” is performing on the grid-iron, Commander Korhil always seems to be conspicuously absent from his duties. However, due to his popularity, nobody (not even reporters) seem to care to comment. 

Regardless, look for Commander Kor… er um… Gyhrdrak the “Bonebreaker” for his next appearance on the pitch!
Read about Commander Korhil here: Korhil Lionmane | Warhammer Wiki | Fandom

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Bernard “the Beastlord” Ratsunifuchīsukādo


In the world of Blood Bowl rat Doctor Caciocavallo was developing a new way of transportation. In the year 2060 a meteorite had hit the old world, inside a strange one-of-a-kind green crystal was extracted from the meteor and given to the young Doctor. Upon study and development he discovered the crystal could emit its atoms from one place to another. Dr. Caciocavallo was pleased with this and began creating a way to emit a person’s atoms from one place to another, the slow ride on boats would be no more. But the young doctor miscalculated and ripped a hole in the space time continuum. This is when Bernard came into play, his fate sealed to be a star player in the old world forever. Bernard was a young Football captain in the NFL, his team ranking number one in the world. This particular day Bernards team was one but a few points away from beating their opponent, Bernard simply had to make a touchdown. It began, Bernard was handed the ball and he really turned on the jets, running as fast as he could to the touchdown, he then saw a blue light shine in his eyes, and he dove for the touchdown. When he stood up he wasn’t in the same world he was before, it was dark and barren, armor on the floor and hands on the ground. The ground started shaking with a mighty rage, getting stronger and stronger. Bernard turned and saw before him a bunch of big mutated, metal plated, screeching rats! He began to run but then found himself being trampled and clawed by the feet of the rats, then it went dark. When he woke their stand a young rat, Dr. Caciocavallo, “Where am I?” Bernard asked. “I seem to have miscalculated, and I brought you to our dimension, and without another green crystal I can’t send you back to your world” the young doctor responded. Bernard had so many questions, but his body was so broken and in pain he could hardly mutter another word. “Your frail human body will survive here no longer, you have two choices, get injected with rat genes…or die a painful death” the doctor said. Bernard nodded and upon the serum entering his body, the human genes and rat genes mixed harshly, his body stared growing, muscles ripping to become larger, fur growing all over his body, horns bearing from his head. Bernard roared in pain as Dr. Caciocavallo fell to the floor in fear… ” I’ve created a star, a monster!…The beast lord of the rats.”

Bernard's Transformation

Bernard "the Beastlord" Ratsunifuchīsukādo transformation complete!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Lou Rollins - Salt Lake Open Hobby Track Scoring Rubric

Category 1 – Basic Painting (10 Possible)

·       Is the Army painted to at least a battle ready standard?

·       Yes! And I have put in a ton of extra effort!

Category 2 – Basic Techniques (5 Possible)

·       I have a uniform color and them across my Deathwatch army: Black, Red!

·       All my basecoats are applied with a “two thin coats!”

Every unit, and every model are marked with their: kill-team number, squad marking, and battlefield profile!

·    A picture containing text, different

Description automatically generatedIf you look closely, you will see: edging, object source lighting, and highlights.

Category 3 – Advanced Techniques (8 Possible)

·       Everyone of my models has a high level highlighting and edging.

·       More than half of my army and models has been added in the last several months with advanced highlighting and edging, as well as OSL techniques!

·       Great Attention to detail on highlights, buckles, markings have been provided to every model in my army—even down to the grenades, scrolls and filigree.

·       More than half of my army has been painted in the last year, and has great attention to detail with glazing, washes, feathering and edging.

Category 4 – Expert Techniques (7 Possible)

·       All of the miniatures in my army have custom company markings on their knee-pads and in other obscure places. Any scrolls have names on them.

·       More than half of my army uses glazing, feathering, edging and masterclass blending techniques to get the “shine” on the black Deathwatch armor.

·       I hope this army leaves you feeling impassioned with the Hobby of Warhammer 40k!

Category 5 – Basing (5 Possible)

·       My army is definitely “Battle Ready!”

·       Many of my models not only have various textured bases, but they also have various xenos parts and appendages depending on which squad they are!

·       There are tiny little details all over my bases (look closely and see what treasures you can find!)

Category 6 – Conversions (4 Possible)

·       My entire army is kit-bashed! Most at a simple level, but a few at a very high level!

·       Every single model has a head-swap, weapon swap, rotated appendages, etc.

·       Several of my key characters and sergeants have extensive work done including, green-stuff, pinning, appendage alterations, drilling, sawing and fabrication.

Category 7 – Bonus Points (5 Possible)

·       I have a cohesive theme! (You should read my short story I wrote!)

·       My display board functions as a carrying tray, but also a kewl themed tray!

·       (I have painted for Frontline Gaming, and Warhammer Studio! Shhhh)

Friday, October 15, 2021

Ratsniff Cheesecurd by Noah J

Starting off just as a lineman Ratsniff Cheesecured has become the best Skaven player in history. He is smaller than other rats and so he was picked on every day he went to a game. The other players stated he could not be a player because of his size. One day when he was at a game against the orks, half of his tail was ripped off which is why he has such a small tail. Outraged, Ratsniff was injured and could not play for many months. But, he did not use his time uselessly… no indeed! His burning wheel of firedesire and anger made him train every day. With anger coursing through his veins and fighting through the pain, he became one of the richest and strongest Skaven all star players in the world. Which brings him to where we are now; prepare yourselves because this angry rat is coming for you!